It’s time for a new kind of politics.


In 2016,

We started Brand New Congress.

In 2017,

We started
Justice Democrats.

In 2018,

We helped elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Congress and launched the Green New Deal.

In 2020,

We started No Excuses PAC to encourage Democratic leaders to use their full power on behalf of the American people.

The Democratic party has a long history of being afraid to use their full power to govern on behalf of the American people.

That must change, or we risk losing our democracy.


It’s called
No Excuses.

The Democratic party is aligned with the vast majority of the American people on all major issues. The Republican party is defined by increasingly extreme and fringe positions. So why do Democrats have such a hard time winning elections?

The answer is that the American people have learned that when the Democrats are given the power to rule, they consistently fail to use it. The Democrats don’t fight. They do deals: with extremist Republicans, with Wall Street, with the greedy and corrupt private healthcare sector, and others.

Yes, politics is ultimately about compromise. But first, you fight. The American people want to see the Democrats fighting for them.

We need new leaders who represent their constituents’ views, and are ready to fight for them.

No Excuses PAC is recruiting new leaders to challenge incumbants who don’t understand their job is to fight.

Do you know a leader like that?

Click below for our nomination form. 


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